Sage Grouse

46 Local Organizations & Professionals found
Conservation Districts
Clark Soil Conservation District
Rexburg, ID
The Clark Soil Conservation District was organized in 1952 to provide voluntary land and water conservation technical and financial assistance within the District.
Custer Soil and Water Conservation District
Challis, ID
The Custer Soil and Water Conservation District was established in June of 1953. Through the years, the District has sponsored many trial seedings of new and improved grasses furnished by the Soil Conservation Service’s Plant Materials Center in Aberdeen, Idaho
East Side and West Side Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Idaho Falls, ID
The mission of the East Side and West Side Soil and Water Conservation Districts is to deliver natural resource conservation technology and education to promote management practices and wise use of natural resources to ensure a sustainable resource base for present and future generations, and to promote Best Management Practices implemented by landowners on a non regulatory basis rather than mandated by government agencies.
Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District
Rigby, ID
MissionSoil Conservation districts develop and implement programs to protect and conserve soil, water, prime and unique farmland, rangeland, forestland, wildlife, energy, and other renewable resources on nonfederal lands.
Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District
Salmon, ID
The district encompasses about 2,749,000 acres with around 240,000 acres in private ownership. The population is around 8,000 making this a very rural area.
Madison Soil and Water Conservation District
Rexburg, ID
The Madison Soil and Water Conservation District was organized in 1948, primarily to help farmers modernize irrigation systems, level land, control the spread of noxious weeds, and improve the quality and quantity of forage for their cattle.
Teton Soil Conservation District
Driggs, ID
The Teton Soil and Water Conservation District was organized in 1950 to assist landowners with technical assistance in Teton County plan and implement conservation practices on their land.
West Side Soil and Water Conservation District
Idaho Falls, ID
Mission To deliver natural resource conservation technology and education to promote management practices and wise use of natural resources to ensure a sustainable resource base for present and future generations.
Yellowstone Soil and Water Conservation District
St. Anthony, ID
The Yellowstone Soil and Water Conservation District was organized in 1944. They work with producers to reduce soil erosion, improve soil and water quality and improve rangeland through the use of BMP’s with other soil and water conservation practices.
Conservation Groups and Associations
Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project
Salmon, ID
Founded in 1992, the Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program is a community-driven partnership. Landowners voluntarily work together with local, state, and federal partners who share a vision for common-sense, scientifically sound protection and restoration of our waters.
Cooperative Extension
University of Idaho Extension Bonneville County
Idaho Falls, ID
University of Idaho Extension, Bonneville County, helps area citizens with research-based information. Our knowledge focuses on 4-H and youth development; gardening and horticulture; and family and consumer sciences
University of Idaho Extension Butte County
Arco, ID
University of Idaho Extension provides unbiased, locally relevant, research-based programs. The UI Extension, Butte County office is a single educator office
University of Idaho Extension Clark County
Dubois, ID
University of Idaho Extension, Clark County helps citizens through research-based, locally relevant information and programs. Our 4-H Youth Development program specializes in Citizenship Leadership and life skill development of youth ages 5-19 Volunteer development Our Agriculture program specializes in Forage production Livestock production Farm business management and marketing tools Farm succession and planning Crop production Pasture management Small acreage farming Clients learn through hands-on classes, workshops, trainings, office visits, phone calls and online resources
University of Idaho Extension Custer County
Challis, ID
UI Extension, Custer County provides educational programming and resources to community members in Challis, Mackay, Stanley, Clayton, as well as many other small rural populations across the county
University of Idaho Extension Jefferson County
Rigby, ID
UI Extension, Jefferson County helps local citizens with research-based information. Our team focuses on 4-H youth development, agriculture and family and consumer sciences
University of Idaho Extension Madison County
Rexburg, ID
University of Idaho Extension provides research-based information to our communities. We help the members of our community solve problems, develop skills and build a better future
University of Idaho Extension Teton County
Driggs, ID
UI Extension, Teton County helps citizens through research-based, locally relevant information and programs. We offer programming in 4-H youth development community food systems Small farms and sustainable agriculture Consumer horticulture and gardening Value-added agriculture and food business development If there are other topics you would like more information about, please contact our office
University of Idaho Extension, Fremont County
St. Anthony , ID
University of Idaho Extension, Fremont County helps citizens through research-based, locally relevant information and programs. We offer programming in 4-H and youth development Cereal grain production Home gardening Livestock production Clients learn through hands-on classes, workshops, trainings, office visits, phone calls and online resources.
University of Idaho Extension, Lemhi County
Salmon, ID
University of Idaho Extension, Lemhi County is here to serve the residents of Lemhi County through a variety of programs and services that improve lives.
FSA Local Offices
Bonneville County Farm Service Agency
Idaho Falls, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Butte County Farm Service Agency
Arco, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Fremont County Farm Service Agency
St Anthony, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Jefferson County Farm Service Agency
Rigby, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Lemhi County Farm Service Agency
Salmon, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Madison County Farm Service Agency
Rexburg, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Teton County Farm Service Agency
Driggs, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Land Trusts
Lemhi Regional Land Trust
Salmon, ID
Landowners formed Lemhi Regional Land Trust in order to generate and provide supportive funds and resources for the preservation of land an natural resources, and in particular, central Idaho ranchlands and agricultural land.
Local Working Groups
Big Desert Local Working Group
Pocatello, ID
Local Working Groups (LWGs) are the heart of Idaho's sage-grouse conservation strategy. LWGs provide a forum for people to discuss sage-grouse and habitat issues in their area, share knowledge for local planning, and build support for on-the-ground projects.
Challis Local Working Group
Salmon, ID
Local Working Groups (LWGs) are the heart of Idaho's sage-grouse conservation strategy. LWGs provide a forum for people to discuss sage-grouse and habitat issues in their area, share knowledge for local planning, and build support for on-the-ground projects.
East Idaho Uplands Local Working Group
Pocatello, ID
Local Working Groups (LWGs) are the heart of Idaho's sage-grouse conservation strategy. LWGs provide a forum for people to discuss sage-grouse and habitat issues in their area, share knowledge for local planning, and build support for on-the-ground projects.
North Magic Valley Local Working Group
Jerome, ID
Local Working Groups (LWGs) are the heart of Idaho's sage-grouse conservation strategy. LWGs provide a forum for people to discuss sage-grouse and habitat issues in their area, share knowledge for local planning, and build support for on-the-ground projects.
Upper Snake Local Working Group
Idaho Falls, ID
Local Working Groups (LWGs) are the heart of Idaho's sage-grouse conservation strategy. LWGs provide a forum for people to discuss sage-grouse and habitat issues in their area, share knowledge for local planning, and build support for on-the-ground projects.
NRCS Local Offices
Arco Service Center
Arco, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Driggs Service Center
Driggs, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Idaho Falls Service Center
Idaho Falls, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Rexburg Service Center
Rexburg, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Rigby Service Center
Rigby, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Salmon Service Center
Salmon, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
St Anthony Service Center
St Anthony, ID
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Resource Conservation and Development Councils
High Country RC&D Council
St. Anthony, ID
The High Country Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc. (HCRC&D) was authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture in August of 1979 under the authority of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1962, Soil Conservation Act of 1935, and other authorities.
Water Conservation
Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project
Salmon, ID
Founded in 1992, the Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program is a community-driven partnership. Landowners voluntarily work together with local, state, and federal partners who share a vision for common-sense, scientifically sound protection and restoration of our waters.
Weed Management Areas
Fremont County Weed Control Program
St. Anthony, ID
The goal of Fremont County Weed Control is to conduct a coordinated effort to implement county and state weed ordinances. We will accomplish this effort by achieving the most effective vegetation management program for the preservation of Fremont County’s valuable property by utilizing educational, mechanical, biological, cultural, and chemical control efforts for the benefit of Fremont County.
Biologists / Ecologists
Jacob Northuis
Rexburg, ID
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) teamed up with the Intermountain West Joint Venture and more than 30 partner organizations to expand the field delivery, science, and communications capacity for the Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI).
Lindsey Latham
Marsing, ID
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) teamed up with the Intermountain West Joint Venture and more than 30 partner organizations to expand the field delivery, science, and communications capacity for the Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI).
Federal And State Agency Landowner Specialists
Jacob Northuis
Rexburg, ID
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) teamed up with the Intermountain West Joint Venture and more than 30 partner organizations to expand the field delivery, science, and communications capacity for the Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI).
Lindsey Latham
Marsing, ID
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) teamed up with the Intermountain West Joint Venture and more than 30 partner organizations to expand the field delivery, science, and communications capacity for the Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI).
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