Sage Grouse

44 Local Organizations & Professionals found
Conservation Districts
Harney SWCD
Hines, OR
Oregon Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) provide technical assistance, educational outreach, and other conservation services to landowners, managers, and citizens.
Malheur County SWCD
Ontario, OR
Malheur County SWCD Conserving & Enhancing Natural Resources for the Economic & Environmental Benefits of Present & Future Generations of
Conservation Groups and Associations
Oregon Natural Desert Association
Bend, OR
Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA) exists to protect, defend and restore Oregon’s high desert. Our dream is to see millions of acres of beautiful and ecologically vital public lands permanently protected and home to diverse populations of wildlife.
Cooperative Extension
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC)
Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC) is a cooperative research effort between Oregon State University and USDA-Agricultural Research Service focusing on rangeland ecology and restoration of wildlands, environmentally compatible livestock systems, forage crops, and alternative livestock systems in the sagebrush-steppe of the Great Basin and inland coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Harney County Extension
Burns, OR
Extension programs utilize volunteer outreach in the areas of 4-H. These volunteers receive training and educational materials in exchange for service they provide for the 4-H Extension program.
Malheur County Extension
Ontario, OR
OSU Extension faculty work with business people, growers, foresters, youth, and community leaders. They see first-hand what’s working, and what’s not working, in Oregon communities
FSA Local Offices
Harney County Farm Service Agency
Hines, OR
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Malheur County Farm Service Agency
Ontario, OR
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Government Agencies
Southern Oregon Area
Roseburg, OR
The Oregon Department of Forestry was established in 1911 to act on all matters pertaining to forestry, including collecting and sharing information about the conditions of Oregon's forests, protecting forestlands and conserving forest resources.
Land Trusts
Deschutes Land Trust
Bend, OR
The Deschutes Land Trust works cooperatively with landowners to conserve land for wildlife, scenic views, and local communities. The Deschutes Land Trust is a nationally accredited land trust and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, publicly supported organization.
Klamath Lake Land Trust
Klamath Falls, OR
The Klamath Lake Land Trust advocates for South Central Oregon’s forest, wetlands, deserts, and watersheds, through restoration, land acquisition, conservation easements, ecologically informed land management, and public education.
Oregon Desert Land Trust
Bend, OR
The Oregon Desert Land Trust works to conserve private lands in the state’s high desert region. These wild and working lands are critical to ecological, economic and community health.
Local Working Groups
Burns Local Implementation Team
Burns, OR
This LIT currently does not have coordination capacity.  ODFW and partners are actively working to procure funding to fulfill the capacity needs to re-establish this LIT.
Julie Unfried
Hines, OR
Julie Unfried it the Sage-grouse Local Implementation Team (LIT) Coordinator for the Vale and Prineville, Oregon LITs to help grow and execute the each LITs’ objectives.
Lakeview Local Implementation Team
Lakeview, OR
This LIT currently does not have coordination capacity.  ODFW and partners are actively working to procure funding to fulfill the capacity needs to re-establish this LIT.
Prineville Local Implementation Team
Prineville, OR
The intent of the Prineville LIT is to provide a forum for collaboration to support sage-grouse population and habitat management objectives.
South Vale Local Implementation Team
Vale, OR
As part of the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon, ODFW created Local Implementation Teams within the current distribution of sage-grouse habitat.
NRCS Local Offices
Hines Service Center
Hines, OR
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
John Day Service Center
John Day, OR
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Ontario Service Center
Ontario, OR
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Weed Management Areas
Grant County Cooperative Weed Management Area
John Day, OR
The Grant County CWMA's mission is to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated approach to controlling invasive plant species, by combining the resources of existing and new groups in a concerted effort to the enhancement of integrated invasive weed management across cooperative jurisdictional boundaries.
Harney County Cooperative Weed Management Area
Burns, OR
The County Weed Control program offers education/awareness, cost share assistance, and implements integrated vegetation management on over 600 miles of paved roads and approximately 900 + miles of gravel roads, Material Site Inspections & Certification, and No Spray Permits.
Jordan Valley Cooperative Weed Management Area
Jordan Valley, OR
The Jordan Valley CWMA has brought together those responsible for weed management within the CWMA, developed common management objectives, set realistic management priorities, facilitated effective treatment methods, and coordinated efforts along logical geographic boundaries with similar land types, use patterns, and problem species.
Federal And State Agency Landowner Specialists
Aaron D Roth
John Day, OR
The District Conservationist’s job for the USDA is to manage the office and its staff, making sure everything is taken care of and work runs smoothly.
Burns District - Oregon-Washington BLM
Hines, OR
The Burns District is located in southeastern Oregon, extending from the Oregon-Nevada border on the south into the Blue Mountains on the north, a distance of nearly 200 miles.
Lakeview District Office - Oregon-Washington BLM
Lakeview, OR
The public lands we manage vary from the mixed conifer forests on the east slope of the Cascade Mountains to the beautiful high desert country of Oregon's Outback.
Lynn Larsen
Ontario, OR
Malheur County is the second largest county in the state and has an area of 9,874 square miles or 6.3 million acres. Seventy-two percent of the county is in public ownership.
Rachel Beaubien
Hines, OR
Every year, NRCS hosts a Local Work Group meeting where farmers, landowners, conservation partners and other members of the community discuss the natural resource needs for the county.
Vale Office - Oregon-Washington BLM
Vale, OR
The Vale District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages 5.1 million acres of public land in eastern Oregon. The district boundary runs along the Snake River between Oregon and Idaho and includes small sections of both Washington and Nevada.
Zola Ryan
Hines, OR
Every year, NRCS hosts a Local Work Group meeting where farmers, landowners, conservation partners and other members of the community discuss the natural resource needs for the county.
Fire Services / Prescribed Burning
Grant County Community Fire Protection Plan
John Day, OR
Fire prevention and protection planning is paramount to sustain our lives, our property and the health of our rural economy. Grant County has been given an unprecedented opportunity to participate in community based forest planning and vegetation treatment project prioritization with the enactment of the federal Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA) of 2003.
Harney County Wildfire Protection Plan
Burns, OR
The Community Wildfire Protection Plan, CWPP, provides details on the risks, hazards, and valuable facilities to protect in case of a wildfire.
Malheur County Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Vale, OR
Mission Statement: Malheur County is committed to reducing the risk of large wildfires in wildland-urban interface areas with collaborative planning, restoration of fire adapted ecosystems, and prevention education that involves citizens, landowners, structural fire agencies, and local, state, and federal agencies of Malheur County.
Ethen Perkins, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR
Services Education; Engineering construction design; Forest/timber management; Land management planning; Reforestation - chemical application; Wildlife management.
Timber Management Services
Estacada, OR
Services Cruising, timber; Forest/ timber management; Insect & disease assistance; Logging; Reforestation - tree planting; Slash treatment; Stand appraisal; Stand marking.
Weed / Invasives Management Professionals
G. H. Ranch
Klamath Falls, OR
Services Education; Forest/timber management; Hauling, residual (chip, sawdust); Insect & disease assistance; Land clearing, site preparation; Land management planning; Logging; Reforestation chemical application; tree planting;   Slash treatment; Wildlife management.
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Ethen Perkins, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR
Services Education; Engineering construction design; Forest/timber management; Land management planning; Reforestation - chemical application; Wildlife management.
G. H. Ranch
Klamath Falls, OR
Services Education; Forest/timber management; Hauling, residual (chip, sawdust); Insect & disease assistance; Land clearing, site preparation; Land management planning; Logging; Reforestation chemical application; tree planting;   Slash treatment; Wildlife management.
Woodlot and Timber Services
Ethen Perkins, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR
Services Education; Engineering construction design; Forest/timber management; Land management planning; Reforestation - chemical application; Wildlife management.
G. H. Ranch
Klamath Falls, OR
Services Education; Forest/timber management; Hauling, residual (chip, sawdust); Insect & disease assistance; Land clearing, site preparation; Land management planning; Logging; Reforestation chemical application; tree planting;   Slash treatment; Wildlife management.
Ochoco Lumber Company
Prineville, OR
In the 1920’s, a group of prominent Northwest lumbermen saw an opportunity in Central Oregon’s vast Ponderosa Pine forest to produce lumber on a sustained yield basis and formed Ochoco Timber Company to purchase  timberlands.
Quicksilver Contracting Co
Bend, OR
Logging, thinning, fuels reduction, tree planting services. • Pre-commercial thinning • Vegetation control/release - • Reforestation/tr
Timber Management Services
Estacada, OR
Services Cruising, timber; Forest/ timber management; Insect & disease assistance; Logging; Reforestation - tree planting; Slash treatment; Stand appraisal; Stand marking.
Farm Equipment Sales and Service
Nyssa Tractor & Implement
Nyssa, OR
Nyssa Tractor & Implement was founded in 1990 by Nyssa native, Gary Sparks.  Nyssa is nestled along the Snake River in extreme Eastern Oregon, also known as the Treasure Valley
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