Malheur County is the second largest county in the state and has an area of 9,874 square miles or 6.3 million acres. Seventy-two percent of the county is in public ownership. Privately owned land includes 1, 074,900 acres of rangelands and 396,000 acres of irrigated crop and hay. The NRCS office is located in Ontario. The NRCS staff provides technical assistance and administers NRCS financial assistance conservation programs. NRCS is currently conducting an inventory for the North Malheur Soil Survey and is working cooperatively with the BLM on the South Malheur Soil Survey and Vegetation Assessment.
Contact Lynn Larsen
Listed as:
- Federal And State Agency Landowner Specialists
- USDA Programs - Other
- USDA - NRCS Programs
Contact Lynn Larsen
District Conservationist - Ontario Service Center
2925 SW 6th Avenue
Suite 2
Ontario, OR 97914-2446
Phone: (541) 823-5156
Fax: (855) 651-9094