Sage Grouse

60 Local Organizations & Professionals found
Conservation Districts
Converse County Conservation District
Douglas, WY
There were three conservation districts originally formed in Converse County. In 1947, both the LaPrele District and the Glenrock District were formed.
Garrett Pantle
Saratoga, WY
Garrett joined SERCD in 2016.  He is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a BA in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management and minors in Forest Resources and Reclamation and Restoration Ecology.
Laramie County Conservation District
Cheyenne, WY
The Laramie County Conservation District's mission is to provide Laramie County citizens with the necessary information and technical assistance to support sustainable production from soil and water resources, protect the county’s tax base, control flooding, improve air and water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and protect and promote the health and safety of Laramie County residents.
Laramie Rivers Conservation District
Laramie, WY
Since 1945, Laramie Rivers Conservation District, has served the residents of Albany County, Wyoming through programs and partnerships designed to assist both rural and urban landowners conserve our most natural resources.
Little Snake River Conservation District
Baggs, WY
In 1941, the Wyoming State Legislature recognized the need for a local governmental entity which would assist landowners and resource users with conservation practices and provide leadership in natural resource management issues and efforts.
Medicine Bow Conservation District
Medicine Bow, WY
In 1941, the Wyoming State Legislature recognized the need for a local governmental entity which would assist landowners and resource users with conservation practices and provide leadership in natural resource management issues and efforts.
Natrona County Conservation District
Casper, WY
The Natrona County Conservation District Board of Supervisors is committed to the wise use and conservation of our natural resources.  The district will provide collaborative leadership, education and technical assistance to the people of  Natrona County.
Niobrara Conservation District
Lusk, WY
In 1941, the Wyoming State Legislature recognized the need for a local governmental entity which would assist landowners and resource users with conservation practices and provide leadership in natural resource management issues and efforts.
Platte County Resource District
Wheatland, WY
Enhancing Platte County's Natural Resources...yesterday,today and tomorrow. The Platte County Resource District works for all citizens of Platte County - young and old, agriculture producer or urban dweller.
Saratoga-Encampment-Rawlins Conservation District
Saratoga, WY
Mission: Develop and direct programs to promote long-term conservation and enhancement of our natural resources while contributing to the economic stability of the district and its residents.
Cooperative Extension
Albany County Extension Office
Laramie, WY
Welcome to the University of Wyoming Extension in Albany County. Our office brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family economics, community and economic development, and 4-H / youth development.
Carbon County Extension Office
Rawlins, WY
The University of Wyoming Extension in Carbon County brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family economics, community and economic development, and 4-H / youth development.
Converse County Extension Office
Douglas, WY
The University of Wyoming Extension in Converse County brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family economics, community and economic development, and 4-H / youth development.
Natrona County Extension Office
Casper, WY
Welcome to University of Wyoming Extension in Natrona County. Our office brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, including Wyoming's first and largest Master Gardener program, consumer and family economics, community and economic development, and 4-H / youth development
Niobrara County Extension Office
Lusk, WY
UW Extension in Niobrara county delivers research-based education and information to citizens throughout the county. These educational programs, delivered via a variety of methods, are offered through a federal, state and county partnership arrangement
Platte County Extension Office
Wheatland, WY
UW Extension in Platte delivers research-based education and information to citizens throughout the county. These educational programs, delivered via a variety of methods, are offered through a federal, state and county partnership arrangement
FSA Local Offices
Carbon County Farm Service Agency
Saratoga, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Laramie County Farm Service Agency
Cheyenne, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Natrona County Farm Service Agency
Casper, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Niobrara County Farm Service Agency
Lusk, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Platte County Farm Service Agency
Wheatland, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Local Working Groups
Bates Hole Shirley Basin Local Working Group
Casper, WY
The Bates Hole/Shirley Basin Sage grouse Working Group was formed in 2004 to develop and facilitate implementation of local conservation plans for the benefit of sage-grouse and, whenever feasible, other species that use sagebrush habitats.
Northeast WY (Powder River Basin) Local Working Group
Sheridan, WY
The purpose of Local Sage-Grouse Working Groups (LWGs) is to develop and facilitate the implementation of local conservation plans for the benefit of the sage-grouse, their habitat, and whenever feasible, other species that use sagebrush habitats.
South Central Local Working Group
Laramie, WY
The purpose of Local Sage-Grouse Working Groups (LWGs) is to develop and facilitate the implementation of local conservation plans for the benefit of the sage-grouse, their habitat, and whenever feasible, other species that use sagebrush habitats.
Wind River Sweetwater River Basin Local Working Group
Lander, WY
The Wind River/Sweetwater River Local Sage-grouse Working Group (WRSR LWG) was organized in September 2004 to develop and implement a local conservation plan to benefit sage-grouse and other species that use sagebrush habitats.
NRCS Local Offices
Douglas Service Center
Douglas, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Casper Service Center
Casper, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Cheyenne Service Center
Cheyenne, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Laramie Service Center
Laramie, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Lusk Service Center
Lusk, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Saratoga Service Center
Saratoga, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Wheatland Service Center
Wheatland, WY
USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies.
Water Districts and Associations
Casper Alcova Irrigation District
Mills , WY
CAID is made up of approximately 23,000 acres of land, all of which are located in Natrona County, Wyoming, situated along the north and west side of the North Platte River between Alcova Dam and the City of Casper.
Goshen Irrigation District
Torrington , WY
On November 24, 1926, the Goshen Irrigation District was formed to enter into a contract with the United States to obtain water from the North Platte River.
Biologists / Ecologists
Garrett Pantle
Saratoga, WY
Garrett joined SERCD in 2016.  He is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a BA in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management and minors in Forest Resources and Reclamation and Restoration Ecology.
Federal And State Agency Landowner Specialists
Clint Anderson
Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming
District Conservationist - Lusk Field Office
Evan Trotter
Range Management Specialist - Douglas Field Office
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Garrett Pantle
Saratoga, WY
Garrett joined SERCD in 2016.  He is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a BA in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management and minors in Forest Resources and Reclamation and Restoration Ecology.
Shawna Taylor
Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming
Soil Conservationist - Cheyenne Field Office
Fire Services / Prescribed Burning
Aaron Clark
Wheatland, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Chad Dinges
Laramie, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Duke Lashmett
Lusk, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
John Rutherford
Rawlins, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Matthew Butler
Cheyenne, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Michael Haigler
Mills, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Tom Reed
Douglas, WY
The County Fire Warden is responsible for the management and coordination of fire suppression in their county.
Clark Young
Cheyenne, WY
Responsible for managing the District’s Living Snow Fence and Seedling Tree programs.
Geologists / Hydrologists
Jeff Geyer
Cheyenne, WY
Responsible for implementing the Water Quality and Water Conservation programs.  
Mapping/Cartographic and GIS services
PSP Enterprises LLC
Evansville, WY
Noxious weed control on rangeland and right of way. Weed mapping services. Applications done for Carbon County Weed and Pest, BLM, Wyoming Game and Fish, WyoBen Co.
Weed / Invasives Management Professionals
Albany County Weed and Pest
Laramie, WY
Services Technical assistance to set up a weed or pest management program using integrated management. Cost-share programs which reduce the cost of managing certain weeds or pests.
Carbon County Weed and Pest
Rawlins, WY
Mission: The Carbon County Weed and Pest is committed to providing environmentally sound noxious weed control to help promote and sustain a healthy ecosystem within Carbon County, Wyoming.
Converse County Weed and Pest
Douglas, WY
Services Technical assistance to set up a weed or pest management program using integrated management. Cost-share programs which reduce the cost of managing certain weeds or pests.
Laramie County Weed and Pest
Pine Bluffs, WY
The Laramie County Weed & Pest Control District is committed to providing effective, long term control of the noxious weeds and pests on the State Designated Noxious Weed List and the Laramie County Declared Noxious Weed List to help promote and sustain a healthy ecosystem within Laramie County.
Natrona County Weed and Pest
Casper, WY
Services Technical assistance to set up a weed or pest management program using integrated management. Cost-share programs which reduce the cost of managing certain weeds or pests.
Niobrara County Weed and Pest
Lusk, WY
Services Technical assistance to set up a weed or pest management program using integrated management. Cost-share programs which reduce the cost of managing certain weeds or pests.
Platte County Weed and Pest
Wheatland, WY
Services Technical assistance to set up a weed or pest management program using integrated management. Cost-share programs which reduce the cost of managing certain weeds or pests.
PSP Enterprises LLC
Evansville, WY
Noxious weed control on rangeland and right of way. Weed mapping services. Applications done for Carbon County Weed and Pest, BLM, Wyoming Game and Fish, WyoBen Co.
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Joseph Parsons
Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming
Private Lands Wildlife Biologist - Saratoga Field Office
Rex Lockman
Cheyenne, WY
Responsible for managing the District’s Wildlife and Range Management programs.
Seed / Seedling Suppliers
Clark Young
Cheyenne, WY
Responsible for managing the District’s Living Snow Fence and Seedling Tree programs.
Show 252 Statewide Organizations & Professionals
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