Monarch Butterfly

Hide 29 Statewide Programs were found.
Department of Interior - Bureau of Land Management (1)
Robert Veldman
Senior Land Management Consultant - K·Coe Conservation
Helping landowners diversify and generate revenue from environmental, organic, habitat mitigation credits and debits, renewable energy, oil and gas lease review, wildlife, wetlands and energy generation and extraction projects.
Located in Loveland, CO
Department of Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service Programs (5)
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
Regional Section 6 Coordinator - Naomi Bentivoglio
A variety of tools are available under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to help States and landowners plan and implement projects to conserve species.
Located in Portland, OR
Fish Passage Program - Pacific Region
The National Fish Passage Program (NFPP) is a voluntary program which provides financial and technical assistance to reconnect aquatic habitats through the removal of barriers.
Located in Portland, OR
Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) is one of 22 LCCs in an international network established by U.S. Department of the Interior to advance collaborative landscape conservation.
Located in Bozeman, MT
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Oregon
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
This program delivers on-the-ground habitat restoration projects that benefit federal trust species including migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, anadromous fish and marine mammals.
Located in Portland, OR
  Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths
Working Lands for Wildlife is a partnership between NRCS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to use agency technical expertise and financial assistance to combat the decline of seven specific wildlife species whose decline can be reversed and will benefit other species with similar habitat needs.
Located in Bozeman, MT
Education Programs (5)
Diane L. Haase
Western Nursery Specialist - USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources
I provide expert support to state, industrial, and private forest and native plant nurseries in 17 western states and the Pacific islands. This entails advising nursery managers and other plant professionals on a variety of issues and opportunities pertaining to seedling production, native plant restoration, and forest regeneration as well as assisting with problem solving and providing guidance in developing strategies to address seedling quality issues.
Located in Portland, OR
Institute for Applied Ecology
The Institute for Applied Ecology is a nonprofit organization based in Corvallis, Oregon working to improve habitats through application of ecological principles.
Located in Corvallis, OR
Keep Oregon Green Association Inc
President/CEO - Kristin Babbs
The Keep Oregon Green Assocation's mission is to disseminate information and educate the public in efforts to prevent of human-caused wildfires in the state of Oregon.
Located in Salem, OR
Restore America's Estuaries
Mission: Restore America’s Estuaries is dedicated to the protection and restoration of bays and estuaries as essential resources for our nation.
Located in Arlington, VA
Ronald Boldenow
Central Oregon Community College Professor of Forest Technology - Certified Forester
Ron’s interest in helping students find their calling recently culminated in his publishing of Careers in Forest, Wildlife, Fisheries, and Range Resources.
Located in Bend, OR
Grant Programs (1)
Restore America's Estuaries
Mission: Restore America’s Estuaries is dedicated to the protection and restoration of bays and estuaries as essential resources for our nation.
Located in Arlington, VA
Habitat Management Programs (2)
Diane L. Haase
Western Nursery Specialist - USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources
I provide expert support to state, industrial, and private forest and native plant nurseries in 17 western states and the Pacific islands. This entails advising nursery managers and other plant professionals on a variety of issues and opportunities pertaining to seedling production, native plant restoration, and forest regeneration as well as assisting with problem solving and providing guidance in developing strategies to address seedling quality issues.
Located in Portland, OR
Habitat Restoration Program
Institute for Applied Ecology
The Habitat Restoration Program creates and manages habitat for plants and wildlife. Our goal is to restore Pacific Northwest habitats by conducting on-the-ground restoration, developing ecologically appropriate seed sources, cultivating partnerships that promote regional conservation, and advancing innovative and research-based restoration techniques.
Located in Corvallis, OR
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (1)
Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) is one of 22 LCCs in an international network established by U.S. Department of the Interior to advance collaborative landscape conservation.
Located in Bozeman, MT
State Funding / Technical Resources (5)
Fire Protection Program
Oregon Department of Forestry
As Oregon’s largest fire department, ODF's Fire Protection Program protects 16 million acres of forest, a $60 billion asset.
Located in Salem, OR
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has an ever-important place in one of the state’s largest industry sectors. We recognize Idaho’s economic well-being is forever tied to the health of its farming and ranching.
Located in Boise, ID
Native Plant Conservation Program
Oregon Department of Agriculture
The Native Plant Conservation Program oversees the conservation and management of Oregon's listed plant species.  The Program  Assists
Located in Salem, OR
Oregon Department of Forestry
Salem Headquarters
The Oregon Department of Forestry was established in 1911 to act on all matters pertaining to forestry, including collecting and sharing information about the conditions of Oregon's forests, protecting forestlands and conserving forest resources.
Located in Salem, OR
Ronald Boldenow
Central Oregon Community College Professor of Forest Technology - Certified Forester
Ron’s interest in helping students find their calling recently culminated in his publishing of Careers in Forest, Wildlife, Fisheries, and Range Resources.
Located in Bend, OR
USDA - Forest Service Programs (1)
Diane L. Haase
Western Nursery Specialist - USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources
I provide expert support to state, industrial, and private forest and native plant nurseries in 17 western states and the Pacific islands. This entails advising nursery managers and other plant professionals on a variety of issues and opportunities pertaining to seedling production, native plant restoration, and forest regeneration as well as assisting with problem solving and providing guidance in developing strategies to address seedling quality issues.
Located in Portland, OR
USDA - NRCS Programs (7)
Aberdeen Plant Materials Center
The Aberdeen Plant Materials Center (IDPMC), located in the Snake River Plain in southeastern Idaho, provides plant solutions for the diverse landscapes of the Intermountain West including areas of southern Idaho, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, western Utah, and western Wyoming
Located in Aberdeen, ID
Corvallis Plant Materials Center
The Corvallis Plant Materials Center (ORPMC) provides plant solutions for western Oregon, western Washington, and northwestern California. The Center's service area includes the northern Pacific Coast Range, Willamette Valley and Puget Sound, as well as Olympic, Cascade, and Siskiyou Mountains of western Washington and Oregon
Located in Corvallis, OR
Great Basin Plant Materials Center
The Great Basin Plant Materials Center (NVPMC) is the newest Plant Materials Center in the United States. The NVPMC's service area includes Nevada and portions of eastern California, southern Oregon, and western Utah
Located in Fallon, NV
Monarch Butterfly Habitat Development Project
NRCS is working with agricultural producers to combat the decline of monarch butterflies by planting milkweed and other nectar-rich plants on private lands.
Located in Stillwater, OK
Oregon Conservation Stewardship Program
Acting CSP Program Manager - DelRae Ferguson
Our Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps you build on your existing conservation efforts while strengthening your operation. Whether you are looking to improve grazing conditions, increase crop yields, or develop wildlife habitat, we can custom design a CSP plan to help you meet those goals.
Located in Portland, OR
Pullman Plant Materials Center
The Pullman Plant Materials Center (WAPMC) in Pullman, Washington provides conservation plant solutions for North Idaho, Eastern Washington, and Eastern Oregon
Located in Pullman, WA
  Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths
Working Lands for Wildlife is a partnership between NRCS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to use agency technical expertise and financial assistance to combat the decline of seven specific wildlife species whose decline can be reversed and will benefit other species with similar habitat needs.
Located in Bozeman, MT
Working Lands for Wildlife Programs (1)
  Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths
Working Lands for Wildlife is a partnership between NRCS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to use agency technical expertise and financial assistance to combat the decline of seven specific wildlife species whose decline can be reversed and will benefit other species with similar habitat needs.
Located in Bozeman, MT

Show 70 National Programs were found serving Oregon.

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