Monarch Butterfly

Grant Programs found near Morrill County, Nebraska

Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund
Program Director - Peter Berthelsen
The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund (BBHF) identifies opportunities to establish critical pollinator habitat to help honey bee and monarch butterfly populations thrive.
Located in St. Paul, Nebraska - about 237 miles away
Seed A Legacy Pollinator Habitat Program
Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund
The Seed A Legacy Pollinator Habitat Program is available for private, public and corporate lands in a 12-state region of the country that is critical to pollinator health and habitat needs.
Located in Bismarck, North Dakota - about 371 miles away
Monarch Butterfly Fund
Mission: To foster the conservation of North American monarch butterflies and their migration through habitat conservation, research, monitoring, education and support for sustainable community development in and near monarch habitats in Mexico.
Located in Madison, Wisconsin - about 697 miles away
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
The Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP) is a competitive grants program that helps state governments and Indian tribes increase public access to private lands for wildlife-dependent recreation, such as hunting, fishing or hiking.
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
The Farmers’ Market Promotion Program is a component of the Farmers Marketing and Local Food Promotion Program (FMLFPP), which is authorized by the Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act of 1946, as amended (7 U.
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency
FSA’s Direct Farm Operating loans are a valuable resource to start, maintain and strengthen a farm or ranch. For new agricultural producers, FSA direct farm operating loans provide an essential gateway into agricultural production by financing the cost of operating a farm.
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund
The Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund supports work that advances the conservation of the monarch butterfly and other at-risk native insect pollinators.
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency
What Is The Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)? The Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP) is designed to restore previously farmed wetlands and wetland buffer to improve both vegetation and water flow.
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
USDA Farm Service Agency
The focus of Microloans is on the financing needs of small, beginning farmer, niche and non-traditional farm operations, such as truck farms, farms participating in direct marketing and sales such as farmers’ markets, CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture), restaurants and grocery stores, or those using hydroponic, aquaponic, organic and vertical growing methods
Located in Washington, DC - about 1377 miles away
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