Find Best Management Practices (BMP)
Learn how to implement practice measures for wildlife habitat management or prescribed grazing, with these BMPs. The BMPs describe the proper way to carry out those actions.
Sagebrush Conservation DesignIn 2022, a group of experts from across the sagebrush biome came together to publish the Sagebrush Conservation Design. The SCD used new remote sensing technologies, like the Rangelands Analysis Platform, to map the entire sagebrush biome and categorize it into Core Sagebrush Areas, Growth Opportunity Areas, and Other Rangeland Areas.
Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQsBy: USDA - NRCS
Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.
Science to Solutions - Conifer Removal Restores Sage Grouse HabitatBy: Christine Paige
The invasion of juniper and other conifers into sagebrush rangelands degrades habitat for sage grouse. The most effective approach is to target early encroachment stands, completely removing small trees, and thereby sustaining the existing sagebrush community.
Science to Solutions - Marking High-Risk Fences Saves Sage GrouseBy: Christine Paige
Marking fences for visibility can dramatically reduce sage grouse collisions. A new mapping tool can help managers and landowners target those fences that pose the highest risk for grouse strikes: fences close to leks and in flat or rolling terrain.
Greater Sage-Grouse Field Indicator GuideBy: NRCS Montana
This brochure is offered to the public to further outreach and education about sage-grouse; a species being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Program.
Green Strips or Vegetative Fuel BreaksBy: Loren St. John, Dan Ogle
Green-stripping is the practice of establishing or using patterns of fire resilient vegetation and/or material to reduce wildfire occurrence and size.
Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitatsBy: John W. Connelly; Michael A. Schroeder, Alan R. Sands, and Clait E. Braun
This paper summarizes the current knowledge of the ecology of sage grouse and, based on this information, provides guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats.
BMPs for Energy Development in ColoradoBy: Colorado Renewables and Conservation Collaborative (CRCC)
BMPs developed through a science-based site selection and mitigation framework that describes avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation actions appropriate to a range of environmental impacts that have a nexus with wind energy development.