Sage Grouse

Find Best Management Practices (BMP)

Learn how to implement practice measures for wildlife habitat management or prescribed grazing, with these BMPs. The BMPs describe the proper way to carry out those actions.

Sagebrush Conservation Design
In 2022, a group of experts from across the sagebrush biome came together to publish the Sagebrush Conservation Design. The SCD used new remote sensing technologies, like the Rangelands Analysis Platform, to map the entire sagebrush biome and categorize it into Core Sagebrush Areas, Growth Opportunity Areas, and Other Rangeland Areas.
Restoring wide-open sagebrush habitat in southern Oregon benefits birds and ranchers
By: Brianna Randall | Sage Grouse Initiative
In Oregon, a long-term study of sage grouse and conifer removal showed that grouse population growth rates increased 12% following conifer removal.
Working Lands for Wildlife Implementation Process
Learn how the WLFW programs are implemented with this handy flow chart.
Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs
Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.
Working Lands for Wildlife Greater Sage-Grouse
FAQs Including CCAA and SGI Comparison
Playing with Fire: Recreating Safely with Invasives in Sagebrush Country
By: Intermountain West Joint Venture
If you’re recreating on public lands in the American West, you’ve probably already felt the impacts of the invasive annual grasses and wildfires that ruin habitat for wildlife and our outdoor activities.
Science to Solutions - Private Lands Vital to Conserving Wet Areas for Sage Grouse Summer Habitat
By: Christine Paige, Sage Grouse Initiative
A recent groundbreaking study reveals a strong link between sites, which are essential summer habitat for sage grouse to raise their broods, and the distribution of sage grouse breeding areas or leks.
Trial by Fire - Improving Our Ability to Reduce Wildfire Impacts to Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Ecosystems Through Accelerated Partner Collaboration
By: Tim Murphy, David E. Naugle, Randall Eardley, Jeremy D. Maestas, Tim Griffiths, Mike Pellant, and San J. Stiver
Wildfire and subsequent invasion by exotic annual grasses in the Great Basin challenge land managers and impede the success of conservation practices designed to improve habitat quality for sage-grouse.
Birds in a sagebrush sea - managing sagebrush habitats for bird communities
By: C. Paige and S. A. Ritter
The purpose of this document is to help anyone who is a steward of sagebrush shrublands include management practices that help support a thriving community of wild birds.
Watering Facility Wildlife Escape Ladder Design
By: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Guide provides an approved design for wildlife escape ladders in watering facilities.
Science to Solutions - Conifer Removal Restores Sage Grouse Habitat
By: Christine Paige
The invasion of juniper and other conifers into sagebrush rangelands degrades habitat for sage grouse. The most effective approach is to target early encroachment stands, completely removing small trees, and thereby sustaining the existing sagebrush community.
Livestock Water Tanks and Sage-grouse - A Landowners Guide
Watering tanks installed for livestock are often used by wildlife as well, with unintended consequences. Sage-grouse are known to drown in livestock water tanks that do not have escape ramps.
Science to Solutions - Marking High-Risk Fences Saves Sage Grouse
By: Christine Paige
Marking fences for visibility can dramatically reduce sage grouse collisions. A new mapping tool can help managers and landowners target those fences that pose the highest risk for grouse strikes: fences close to leks and in flat or rolling terrain.
Greater Sage-Grouse Field Indicator Guide
By: NRCS Montana
This brochure is offered to the public to further outreach and education about sage-grouse; a species being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Program.
Inventory of State and Local Governments’ Conservation Initiatives for Sage-Grouse
By: Western Governors' Association
The 2014 Sage-Grouse Appendix identifies all sage-grouse conservation initiatives reported by states and counties between 2011 and 2014. &n ...
Sage-Grouse Inventory - 2014 Conservation Initiatives
By: Western Governors' Association
The fourth annual inventory produced by the Governors, through the Western Governors' Association, has expanded its focus from previous years.
Sage Grouse Habitat & Wild Land Fire
By: Nevada Sage Grouse Communications Committee
There are benefits and negative outcomes of wild land fires on sage grouse habitat.
How to make and install fence markers for sage grouse
Fence marking using vinyl undersill trim is an effective and practical approach to increasing wire fence visibility and reducing potential sage-grouse collisions.
Green Strips or Vegetative Fuel Breaks
By: Loren St. John, Dan Ogle
Green-stripping is the practice of establishing or using patterns of fire resilient vegetation and/or material to reduce wildfire occurrence and size.
BLM's Best Management Practices for Sage Grouse
By: Bureau of Land Management
In this report, produced by the Sage-grouse National Technical Team in 2011, the BLM outlines Best Management Practices for Sage-grouse in the Appendixes.
Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats
By: John W. Connelly; Michael A. Schroeder, Alan R. Sands, and Clait E. Braun
This paper summarizes the current knowledge of the ecology of sage grouse and, based on this information, provides guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats.
BMPs for Energy Development in Colorado
By: Colorado Renewables and Conservation Collaborative (CRCC)
BMPs developed through a science-based site selection and mitigation framework that describes avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation actions appropriate to a range of environmental impacts that have a nexus with wind energy development.
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