Habitat Conservation
Assistance Network
Proactive Conservation for Working Lands

Switzerland County Soil and Water Conservation District

The mission of the SWCD is to provide leadership and awareness in natural resources conservation and proper land use management through education, technical assistance, funding, and support of partnership personnel and land users.

The purpose of the SWCD is to provide information about soil, water, and related natural resources conservation; identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns; and connect land users to sources of education, technical and financial assistance, to implement conservation practices and technologies. Each district serves as a means for all interested people in a county to work for natural resource conservation and development.

To fulfill this responsibility, the SWCD works with local agencies, citizen groups, and individuals to correct existing problems, prevent new ones, and develop the community's natural resources to their proper and fullest uses.

Contact Switzerland County Soil and Water Conservation District

    Listed as:
  • Conservation Districts
Contact Switzerland County Soil and Water Conservation District

105 East Pike Street
Vevay, IN  47043-1214
Phone: (812) 427-3126 x 3

Service Area
Services provided in:
  • Switzerland County, Indiana

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of HabitatCAN.
Switzerland County Soil and Water Conservation District is not employed by or affiliated with the Habitat Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.

Are you considering the value of carbon in your soil?
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