Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer
The Wildfire Risk Explorer digital library aims to make information about Oregon's wildfire risks available to users. The portal was developed in response to the statewide Communities-At-Risk (CAR) Assessment completed by the Oregon Department of Forestry in 2005 and a need to support Community Wildfire Protection Planning. Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) are developed by communities in areas at risk from wildfire.
Featured Tools:
Specific goals of the Wildfire Risk Explorer are to:
- Provide access to all the GIS data used to develop Oregon's 2005 Statewide Communities -At-Risk Assessment
- Enable users to produce reports on known wildfire risk for specific areas of interest
- Offer a place to organize, archive and access community wildfire protection plans in an existing digital repository (ScholarsArchive)\
The Wildfire Risk Explorer was developed for use by local citizens, community wildfire protection planners, community groups and wildfire agency staff to learn and make informed decisions about known wildfire risks in Oregon.