Habitat Conservation
Assistance Network
Proactive Conservation for Working Lands

Fence Collision Risk Tool

The Fence Collision Risk Tool is a GIS map available to state wildlife agencies and NRCS field offices range-wide. The tool can be used to map out high-risk areas and plan fence marking and mitigation projects locally or across landscapes. The resulting maps are not directly available to the public because of the sensitivity of lek location data. However, whether you are a private landowner or public land manager, you can work with the NRCS to identify high-risk areas for your landscapes. The Fence Collision Risk Tool was pro­duced using modeling that maps colli­sion risk within 3 kilometers of known leks as a function of terrain ruggedness and distance to nearest lek across 10 western States.  For more information read the NRCS publication Applying the Sage-Grouse Fence Collision Risk Tool to Reduce Bird Strikes (PDF)


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